Sunday 19 September 2010

I got a text from my brother this morning...

...and it was a pleasant surprise. Apparently one of the uncredited costume designers who worked on the Autons in The Pandorica Opens has come up from Cardiff to stay with his house mate and has been chatting to him a bit about Series 6.

Of course my brother is a huge fan of the show as well and dropped me a text straight away!
He says the guy is a reliable source of information and...has apparently been designing the dress for River Song's grandaughter Susan Foreman!!!!!! And apparently it is all to do with a 'game-changing mid season cliffhanger...'
It might also explain why there were several William Hartnell cameo appearances in Series 5...maybe Moffat is trying to jog older viewers' memories and inspire younger kids to check out the old episodes so that they know who Susan is.


I will be posting more information and news as it comes! Peace.

Torrent Watch: BBC - Doctor Who. The Daleks' Master Plan (64s,MQ,149mb,by Purves)

I have found The Daleks' Master Plan (Audio) whilst randomly browsing the web. It is zipped up in a 149MB here to grab it! (Copy the URL at the bottom of the page to get the ZIP file...) Enjoy.

Monday 13 September 2010


Latest sketch....a moody Sontaran warrior.

Sunday 12 September 2010


Why all the hate? I have noticed recently that pretty much everyone on the forums hates the new look Daleks...apart from me! I am a huge fan of the Cushing Movie Daleks and so of course I am going to love these. Victory of the Daleks and City of the Daleks were dreams come true for me, certainly the highlights of Series 5! They make me feel like a kid again....glowing, bright coloured Daleks - just the way I remember them as a kid.

Yes, I am an odd fan in every respect - I love The Web Planet and The Dominators, which a lot of fans would put at the bottom of their lists. So sue me! I love the new Daleks!!! I am happy and content with the whole of Series 5 in a way that I never got during the RTD era. I feel like that 7 year old boy again...taking the weekly trip to W H Smith's to buy the latest Target novel.


Moffat's Daleks have my seal of approval - I will certainly be buying lots of Dalek toys this Christmas, something that I haven't done since I was little when I used to collect the Dapol toys. I am sold - these new Daleks are the master race from Skaro! Roll on Series 6. More Daleks please!

Want to buy me a stocking filler this Christmas? Then mine is a bright red Dalek drone please!

Sunday 5 September 2010

From my sketchbook...

A couple of doodles I did yesterday...there will be more to come soon! I am in the process of submitting some of my artwork to various fanzines. Let me know if you are interested in my work, mainly small black & white sketches. Keep checking back!