Tuesday 23 November 2010

Sunday 14 November 2010

The might of the pen...

Some doodles from my black book...more to come soon!

Sunday 3 October 2010

Review: The Ice Warriors

I finished watching it this evening, very entertaining indeed - I'm going to give it an 8/10 - and not just for the fact that it is a Troughton story. I can't wait for this to be released and remastered on DVD some day, hopefully with animated reconstructions of the missing episodes.

I would really like to see more of the Ice Warriors, I might have to check out The Seeds of Death again soon since this has got me in the mood. Martians rock!!! I wonder if they'll make a return in the new series?


Sunday 19 September 2010

I got a text from my brother this morning...

...and it was a pleasant surprise. Apparently one of the uncredited costume designers who worked on the Autons in The Pandorica Opens has come up from Cardiff to stay with his house mate and has been chatting to him a bit about Series 6.

Of course my brother is a huge fan of the show as well and dropped me a text straight away!
He says the guy is a reliable source of information and...has apparently been designing the dress for River Song's grandaughter Susan Foreman!!!!!! And apparently it is all to do with a 'game-changing mid season cliffhanger...'
It might also explain why there were several William Hartnell cameo appearances in Series 5...maybe Moffat is trying to jog older viewers' memories and inspire younger kids to check out the old episodes so that they know who Susan is.


I will be posting more information and news as it comes! Peace.

Torrent Watch: BBC - Doctor Who. The Daleks' Master Plan (64s,MQ,149mb,by Purves)

I have found The Daleks' Master Plan (Audio) whilst randomly browsing the web. It is zipped up in a 149MB file...click here to grab it! (Copy the URL at the bottom of the page to get the ZIP file...) Enjoy.

Monday 13 September 2010


Latest sketch....a moody Sontaran warrior.

Sunday 12 September 2010


Why all the hate? I have noticed recently that pretty much everyone on the forums hates the new look Daleks...apart from me! I am a huge fan of the Cushing Movie Daleks and so of course I am going to love these. Victory of the Daleks and City of the Daleks were dreams come true for me, certainly the highlights of Series 5! They make me feel like a kid again....glowing, bright coloured Daleks - just the way I remember them as a kid.

Yes, I am an odd fan in every respect - I love The Web Planet and The Dominators, which a lot of fans would put at the bottom of their lists. So sue me! I love the new Daleks!!! I am happy and content with the whole of Series 5 in a way that I never got during the RTD era. I feel like that 7 year old boy again...taking the weekly trip to W H Smith's to buy the latest Target novel.


Moffat's Daleks have my seal of approval - I will certainly be buying lots of Dalek toys this Christmas, something that I haven't done since I was little when I used to collect the Dapol toys. I am sold - these new Daleks are the master race from Skaro! Roll on Series 6. More Daleks please!

Want to buy me a stocking filler this Christmas? Then mine is a bright red Dalek drone please!

Sunday 5 September 2010

From my sketchbook...

A couple of doodles I did yesterday...there will be more to come soon! I am in the process of submitting some of my artwork to various fanzines. Let me know if you are interested in my work, mainly small black & white sketches. Keep checking back!

Sunday 29 August 2010

10 good reasons why The Web Planet rocks!

I know most of fandom loathes it, but after viewing it *twice* the other week, I decided that I absolutely cherish and adore this story, perhaps even more so than The Chase - which was my favourite Season 2 story. Okay, let's get down to business but keep it simple...

  • 1) The planet Vortis looks wonderful. Seriously - the set design here is magnificent. Lots of thought and imagination here, this was the first time the show had ventured into the territory of pure science fiction/fantasy on another world. And this was all done on such a low budget too! It is a very alien world, this is by far the most psychedelic episode of the 1960s!

  • 2) The Zarbi - giant alien ants, 'nuff said...

  • 3) Venom Grubs - my dad remembered seeing this episode when it aired as a kid and being terrified of them! How cool is that??!

  • 4) Atmospheric Density Jackets (or ADJs) are a neat idea. Who needs oxygen bubbles around the TARDIS? Pffft - these wonderful contraptions allow you to roam and explore the surfaces of planets where there is no breathable air.

  • 5) Thankfully no-one needs to take Aspirin in the 25th Century!

  • 6) The Menoptra invasion force on strings.

  • 7) The Optera are quite amusing to watch - hey don't mock, it was only a kids' show!!!

  • 8) Zombo the Zarbi - 'nuff said... ;-)

  • 9) The Animus - what a strange and dark alien intelligence... GOT GOLD? Hehe. According to Russell T Davies, the 'Greater Animus' perished in the Time War.

  • 10) Oh, I nearly forgot the best scene of them all - the one where the Zarbi runs straight into the camera!!! Love it... ;-)
  • A few changes...

    This blog will be undergoing a major revamp this week - no longer will we be publishing under the title The Hand of Omega as we will know be known as The Time Destructor instead. Please update your bookmarks and note the new URL, thanks! Peace.

    Friday 13 August 2010

    FANZINE REVIEWS: Blue Box #1 and Vworp Vworp

    Blue Box #1

    What a wonderful little fanzine! Black and White A5 publication with some really interesting and in-depth articles. Features in this issue include: Paul Cornell interview, Dark Dimension article, David J Howe interview, Death to the Daleks article (thumbs up, my favourite story!) and much more. All this for only £1.50 - send an email to dalek82@hotmail.co.uk for more information.

    Vworp Vworp

    The first issue of this wonderful tribute to Doctor Who in the medium of comics takes form as a glossy colour A4-sized publication. Lots of interesting articles, including an interview with Doctor Who Weekly editor Dez Skinn. Includes some free transfers! Grab it now from here!

    Saturday 24 July 2010

    Coming Soon: Wiped! Doctor Who's Missing Episodes

    September 2010 sees the release of Richard Molesworth's new book Wiped! Doctor Who's Missing Episodes from Telos Publising. You can order your copy here! I will certainly be grabbing this one when it is out, as I'm a huge fan of 1960s Doctor Who and spend a lot of my time watching the Loose Cannon reconstructions at the moment.

    Saturday 5 June 2010

    The Ultimate Ginger!

    I don't care what anyone says - tonight's episode Vincent and the Doctor was pure television magic! I feel totally satisfied on every level. Quite a sad ending...very deep. Richard Curtis certainly nailed it with this one.

    Wednesday 2 June 2010

    City of the Daleks: Online Now

    The Beeb have released their computer game City of the Daleks a few days early....here is a direct link to the installer. This is for Window$ users only though, Mac users have to wait until the 15th for their installer. That counts me out then - I'm a Linux user, and we never get luxuries such as this, until some talented hacker figures out how to make it run in WINE or Cedega.

    I have been so looking foward to seeing Skaro in the game, the concept art looks awesome...
    I will have to wait until the 15th to play it, I guess my Dad won't be too happy when I spend the day taking over his Mac and fighting Daleks! Peace.

    Thursday 27 May 2010

    Review: The Daleks' Master Plan Reconstruction

    I have dreamed of seeing this story since I was a child, after seeing Daleks - The Early Years when it first came out. The episodes featured on that release never made much sense on their own when I first saw them, until now - having just seen Loose Cannon's wonderful reconstruction of the story (and the surviving episodes 2, 5 & 10 ripped from the Lost In Time box set). After seeing Loose Cannon's wondeful reconstruction of Power of the Daleks, I decided to give this a go...and it delivers! On a grand scale. This is my type of Doctor Who. It is epic - 12 parts in total. This is to Doctor Who exactly what Star Wars is to fantasy cinema. I won't go into too much detail over the plot, or give too much away, but the story oozes atmosphere - Terry Nation and Dennis Spooner at their best!
    Many elements in this story also feature in Nation's other Dalek stories, notably The Chase and Planet of the Daleks (alien planets, jungles, invisible monsters, Daleks chasing the Doctor through time & space, invasion forces, etc).
    Kevin Stoney is brilliant as the Guardian of the Solar System, Mavic Chen - he also later appeared in the Patrick Troughton story The Invasion as Tobias Vaughn.
    William Hartnell is at his best as the Doctor here, he shines in the role - even in the reconstructed episodes. In Episode 7 (The Feast of Steven) the Doctor breaks the forth wall and wishes all of the viewers at home a very happy Christmas!
    Episode 12 (The Destruction of Time) is the climatic ending of the saga, the tragic ending of Sara Kingdom was unexpected - must have been shocking for all those kids to watch when it was aired!
    I must also give praise to the wonderful soundtrack - eerie to say the least, Murray Gold take note!!!
    Again, much praise to Loose Cannon for this wonderful reconstruction, I actually feel as though I have seen this story all the way through now, and the existing episodes make sense like they never did before. This is easily one of my favourite Doctor Who stories now...hopefully in the near future the remaining episodes will be found and given a make-over by the Restoration Team, but until then you can get your copy of the recon from Loose Cannon's website.

    Sunday 23 May 2010

    City of the Daleks Walkthrough

    A new preview of the upcoming PC game Doctor Who - City of the Daleks has been uploaded, with plenty of in-game footage to drool over:

    This will be the first in a series of games available to download for free from the BBC's website next month!

    What might have been...

    I loved last night's episode (The Hungry Earth) in it's entirety save for one aspect: the redesign/update of the Silurians (or Eocenes if you prefer) - they look nothing like their original design, or their Sea Devil cousins for that matter. Although this is explained away by the Doctor as them being a different branch of the species, I still feel a little let down by the fact they look nothing like Silurians! They look like humans with scales, no third eyes and (wait for it) they have ...BREASTS??! I don't see what a reptile would do with breasts? Beats me...but hey, you can't win 'em all!

    A screencap from this week's Doctor Who Confidential reveals what might have been:

    But instead, we got this:
    Reptile with breasts?!

    I had been looking foward to seeing the Silurians return for years, I loved them in the New Adventures novel Blood Heat and had hoped that their return would be something more akin to that...but I guess that is pure fanboy squee wank material! I understand that they have to update certain elements for today's audience, since apparently kids won't connect with anything that doesn't look human.

    I hate to sound like a little bitch! Other than this minor gripe I am loving this series so far!!! I hope next week's Cold Blood holds up, I think this is Chris Chibnall's best Doctor Who script so far, it does feel very much like a classic series episode - which isn't a bad thing at all!

    A whole new generation of children will grow up hiding behind the sofa from Malcolm Hulke's creation, 40 years since they first appeared on our television screens which is a testament to the legacy of this show...
    Not the first time they awoke from beneath the ground...

    Monday 17 May 2010

    Review: Amy's Choice

    I am already in love with Saturday's episode! It even tops Victory of the Daleks as my favourite episode of this series. I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet (and why not?) but to me it came across as The Edge of Destruction, The Celestial Toymaker, The Mind Robber, The Daemons and The Ultimate Foe rolled into one, with a smattering of Night of the Living Dead, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz in there too. What is there not to love about this episode? I can't fault it really, and I think fan reaction has been really positive so far.

    This episode is set within a dream world, although technically it takes place in the TARDIS. This is the first time Simon Nye has ever written an episode for the show, or any science fiction for that matter, since he comes from a comedy background. The Doctor gets to do some granny bashing, so what is there not to like? I sure hope Moffat lets him write another episode again soon!

    If you are a fan of Andrew Cartmel's darker Doctor (hinted at in Season 26) then you'll love the Dream Lord! Toby Jones is brilliant in the role, I had only ever seen him in The Mist before this episode, I will have to keep an eye out for him in the future. I do hope we will see more of him soon, perhaps he even has a role to play at the end of this series? Who knows...

    The preview for next week's episode looks good, although I am still unsure as to what to make of the new design of the Silurians...I think the originals were much better, but I'm probably just being bias! Until next week folks...Geronimo!!!

    Sunday 9 May 2010

    Review: Vampires Of Venice

    I am 100% completely sold - Matt Smith is the Doctor, and a new golden era is here for fans!
    I really enjoyed last night's episode (and so did my girlfriend, which is saying something) and still can't see why there were a few negative posts on Outpost Gallifrey. Well, I didn't get the negative reviews that people posted up for Victory of the Daleks either, since that is my favourite episode of this series so far..but you can't win 'em all!

    I had been looking foward to Vampires of Venice for quite some time, since seeing a preview clip from The Jonathan Ross Show a while back - the one where William Hartnell makes a cameo appearance in the form of a library card, which was a really nice nod to the classic series and something I don't think could have been pulled off when Tennant was the Doctor.
    The folks @ The Mill have done a wonderful job of bringing Venice to life (even though this was filmed in Croatia with CGI added in) and it oozes atmosphere - the fishy aliens (which reminded me of Lovecraft's Deep Ones) are pretty freaky, I can imagine some of the younger kids hiding behind the sofa for this one. I had rather hoped to see the real vampires turn up in this episode though, y'know - the nasty ones from State of Decay - but there are only so many old monsters you can bring back in a series I guess.

    I look foward to seeing more of Rory and Amy, I think together with Matt's Doctor they will make a brilliant team and I hope that they stay for the next series too.
    I am also really hyped on the trailer for Amy's Choice too, it looks very fairytale and the Dream Lord looks quite creepy - like a parody of Matt's Doctor. I can only hope that Saturday will come round quicker...

    Monday 3 May 2010

    Amy's Choice

    Amy's Choice

    I'm loving the new series so far! It's been brilliant, far better than any of the trollop RTD used to conjure up! (Apart from Midnight, which was brilliant!) I'm really looking foward to Vampires of Venice and Amy's Choice over the next couple of weeks.

    I have been buying Doctor Who Magazine again recently, that's how hyped on this new series I am - something I never did when Tennant tried to be the Doctor. Oh, and today I will continue my viewing marathon with Planet of the Daleks on DVD, might be doing some more reviews soon. Keep your eyes peeled!

    Saturday 3 April 2010

    Approaching The Eleventh Hour...

    I will be watching The Eleventh Hour with friends and family this evening...I have the shakes at the moment, I need to calm down and log off of Gallifrey Base and do something more productive to pass the time...damn, hurry up!!! :-/

    Sunday 28 March 2010

    Friday 19 March 2010

    New Trailer!

    All I can say at this moment... *gasps for air* ...is - HOLY DROK!

    Link: The second 'Who' series five trailer!